So. Info graphs. Pretty cool huh. Info graphs. INfo graphs. Innnnfograph. Infographinfographinfograph. info GRAPH. INFO graph. Info graph.
OK. Infographs are basically graphs that have been turned into images that represent information. These can be obvious or kinda vague. A vendiagram, for example, is an info graph. Pie charts, theres another. Or it could be something completely different, for example, this giant arrow:
See, giant arrow. Now this info graph gives us information about space and out atmospheres surrounding earth. I'm a fan of this one, primarily because there's a really big arrow. But also the varying shades of blue and the way that they used different textures to relate back to the information they're trying to convey. Pretty cool.
Here's another one for you! As a whole, I rather like this one. It's got nice structure, it's easily readable, and it's a topic I can relate to. And it conveys info through little images, I like that. Well done.
Here's an example on how info graphs can look like anything! In this case, our graph is a cup of coffee showing how however many shots of espresso can affect you. I like this one because there's not any black bold lines separating the different sections, they all just sit nicely side by side. Or rather, one atop the other. Now, I'd probably like this one a little more if I actually liked coffee. But that's just too bad.
Some info graphs, such as this one, utilize the cunning placement of arrows to get their point across. I'm a fan of these ones, they remind me of a maze. You've got to dedicate some time to getting from the graphics to the info. Labor, for reward.
This is the last one I'll show you guys, and as the last one, I figured hey, let's make it educational! So here we have an info graph about allergies across the US. Out of the five I've showed you so far, this is my least favorite. Although I like the aesthetics of the circle, it's a little uncomfortable to have to crane your neck to try and get to the info on the bottom. Not a great idea there. But for the most part, I like the presentation of it. Plenty of spacing in between things, so it's not all bunched or cluttered. Props.